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Chapter 14: Economic Transformations (Second Half) and Chapter 14 Documents

Commerce in People: The Atlantic Slave Trade

The Atlantic Slave Trade involved the trade of millions of Africans during the early modern era. It was caused by a high European demand for slaves, fostered by their discovery of the usefulness of sugar, from which they established sugar plantations. Europeans saw Africans as ideal victims for slave labor because of their farming skills, their immunity to disease, they were non-Christians, close by, and because being "black" (623-624) somehow made them submissive. Europeans controlled the trade, but African merchants did sell slaves, negotiate, and exchange for products. However, I think it's important how Strayer makes it clear that "Africans did not generally sell 'their own people' into slavery" (626). Distinct because it was dehumanizing, massive, central to the economy, inherent, and creating of an African "blackness," the trade brought African peoples and cultures to the Americas, promoted global exchange, generated profits that benefited European societies. The trade also had impacts on African societies, including the loss of millions, social unrest, shaping of societies, and in some cases, more opportunities for women. What stands out to me the most from this section is this trade disregarded the simple fact that all human beings are united by inherent dignity by belonging to the same species. So many people were imported and victimized, and it would continue for generations. It was literally a commerce of human beings that gave rise to European racism and the dehumanizing concept of "blackness."

Working With Evidence: Exchange and Status in the Early Modern World

Even in earlier times, the possession of foreign goods fulfilled basic needs while being an important part of conveying status at the same time. The first artifact, Source 14.1, is a painting that shows two European females drinking Chinese imported tea from Chinese imported teacups. This particular artwork is interesting because it shows that they could have the chance to drink the beverage from any other liquid-holding container, but of all options, they chose Chinese teacups. The Chinese porcelain was conveying of status because originally the Europeans wanted in on the wealth of Asia that they were long excluded from, and status was becoming an important social structure in a society growing more dependent on commerce and mass exchange. Source 14.2 conveys that the occasion illustrated is an upper-class event because before the Industrial Revolution, chocolate was an expensive and limited product. I found it interesting how chocolate was thought of as a medicine, and reading this made me wonder if this is where the teaching that chocolate has health benefits came from. Source 14.3 conveys many details about the elite culture of Europe in the early modern era, as the men depicted all have white powdered wigs, but also because they are drinking coffee from Chinese porcelain. Coffee though, united a more diverse population because it brought different classes together. In the final image, indicators of status include the porcelain cups which most likely came from China, as well as the jewelry the woman is wearing. Both of their outfits are large in size, and rich in color and fabric, so their clothing too serves as indicators of status.


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